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The Prince and the Pauper?

Traveling wears me out a lot more than it used to. However, it is rare that I don’t meet people “along the way”; and learn a little bit about myself.

Once as I was traveling, I met two beggars. Both were from the same background. One was handsome and had it all, the other was a nice looking guy, but suffered from a severe stutter.  The first I will call Prince, the latter I will call Pauper.

We were discussing life, casually, at different times . Prince told me about his life, and how he had it all; until one day a decision changed his life. He no longer had everything, but was having to live “hand to mouth”. He never said it, but he seemed angry at God for allowing all this to happen. His decisions, his life, his situation…not his fault. Everything he told me about his current life, was good, and most average people would have begged for still having it so well. However, no matter what was said…he was angry.

The Pauper, when asked about his life…never mentioned his ailment. Never complained; and everything that came out of his mouth either Blessed God or encouraged others. He even took a moment to speak into my life, pray for me, the Stranger, and to challenge me to pour into others.

The Pauper was the only real royalty I ran into that day. May God continue to pour out his blessings on him, as he pours into others.

About Jason

pastor, musician, writer

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